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Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Jaimie's room

After 2.5 years in this house, we finally made up the room and now it's officially my room. I am supposed to share the room with Didi but he still doesn't know what he likes so for the moment, it's mostly pink! I got a new bookshelf for all my books and toys. Mummy also got me the pink polka dots quilt set.


Chyun Tok Finne said...

our hse been living for 4 years.. still not done with it yet.. hope this year.!! no room for my kid yet!!

jen.soo said...

we actually also had not enough room to make that room...but we had to squeeze one out. haha..cos she is getting bigger....turning 4 yrs.. o my!!

Chyun Tok Finne said...

Guess boy are diff. from gal?